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Our Differentiators


We are effective executive search consultants from contact to closure. Our closing ratios reflect our successes. Here we are backed by our measurable metrics. We walk the talk. We are leaders in our chosen areas because of the quality assignments we are entrusted with and the repeat business we gain from the same organizations for multiple positions and multiple organizations for similar positions. We meet our successes as we have contacts, connects with abundance of quality hire. Our measurable metrics are:

  1. Knowledge of:
    • Our client organizations- We know their ideologies, work environment, recruiting strategies and policies, compensation structures, placing of role, and the ranges of salaries, width and depth of the role on offer, their competitors' landscape and future plans.
    • Hiring and staffing managers- We have excellent rapport with them in understanding their preferences, hiring methods and their focus areas.
    • Industry sectors we work with- We are subject matter experts on our chosen areas. We draw our knowledge from seminars, conferences, one-on-one meetings with the top brass, constantly researching emerging trends and inventions.
    • Roles - Our effort goes beyond the written word. We discuss, deliberate, with the managers until all aspects to a role emerge. We work until we derive to the conclusion that the role on offer is the best career move among all competing opportunities.
    • Candidates - We talk, listen and capture their aspirations. We get to the motivation behind the movement.
  2. Poor hire Vs Quality Hire- We know the pitfalls involved. We bring our expertise and experience to maximize quality hire every time. We do not work on transaction to transaction basis but grow and build with our client organizations. We impact their growth, bottom line and profits with our services.

  4. Criticality- We employ utmost diligence and dedication to each and every assignment. We are geared to deliver on demand, always prepared for urgent closures, and also ready to listen and consult to deliberations of hiring leaders about their plans of expansion. We are prepared for surprises and all eventualities.

  6. Recruiting and not just knowing- We are masters at connecting, attracting and retaining the active and hidden talent resource.

  8. High Yield Methodology- We talk, write and communicate and stay connected. We are high touch competent. We are old fashioned enough to use traditional methods of sourcing and at the same time we are modern enough to fully equip with best in class proprietary technology set-up.

  10. 360 degree foresight- We research past, present and futures of all key players and stakeholders to enable them to benefit from all variables, constants and growth parameters. We compile the valuable but often overlooked input of declines, no selection and off-limits.

  12. Pipeline readiness-We ensure and insist on healthy pipeline of probable hires on each assignment thus ensure that the clients do not lose precious time on all eventualities.